Tax Regime for Non-UK Domiciled Individuals
The UK tax system can be intricate, especially for people who are not domiciled in the UK. Whether you're intending to reside in the UK temporarily or for an extended period, understanding the specific implications for non-UK domiciled person is crucial.
Tony specialises in guiding these people through the complexities of the UK regime.
His comprehensive services in this area include:
- Evaluation of your residential and domicile status for UK tax purposes.
- Advice on the Remittance Basis (a special tax rule) and its implications on your global income and gains.
Remittance basis - only pay tax on your income and gains from abroad if you bring it into the UK.
- Strategies to optimise the use of overseas income and assets.
- Guidance on tax-efficient ways to bring money into the UK.
- Assistance with compliance, ensuring timely and accurate filing of necessary documents.
- Review of estate and inheritance tax in the context of UK laws.
- Ongoing updates on changes in the UK legislation that may affect your position.
Use of offshore trusts and other structures can help mitigate tax liabilities.
With the right guidance and proactive planning, you can navigate the UK tax landscape effectively, optimising your position and avoiding potential pitfalls.
Tax concerns - Information for foreign citizens in the UK.
Tax Filing
Preparation and submission of UK tax returns and completion of the Foreign and Residency supplementary pages where you are residing in the UK.
He is currently helping clients from China; Germany; Italy; India; Spain; and UK born abroad.
UK Property Rental Receipts
Notifying of income from UK property rental for non-domiciled landlords. Obtaining HMRC approval for managing agents to receive rent gross from tenants. The agents would otherwise have to withhold the UK tax on related income.
Foreign Nationals who pay UK tax may benefit from certain allowances and reliefs available to resident landlords.
Advice on the implications of savings through pension provision and HMRC eligible criteria. - Tony is an Accountant and tax advisor, and as such cannot recommend or comment on any particular pensions products. However, he does provide expert tax advice on all aspects of all types of pensions.
Make your future safe - Understanding UK Pensions - A guide for Expats.
Residential Finance
Advising on the application of residential finance costs rules for loans or mortgages and getting eligible relief against rental income. Liaising as necessary with other country advisers on securing credit for UK tax paid.
HMRC Enquiries
Dealing with HMRC enquiries on whether there is a need to report income or gains to HMRC. Advising on the use of HMRC worldwide disclosure facility enabling you to regularise your affairs.
The Common Reporting Standard (CRS) is a global standard for the automatic exchange of account information between governments around the world to combat economic crime and protect the integrity of systems. Frequently such enquiries can be settled under the rules of Double Tax Agreements in place.
Economic Services Sector
Advising those working in the UK about their tax obligations to the UK and their native land and assisting them in understanding their liabilities.
UK Government Home Office
Assistance and information about applying for the right to stay in the UK by preparation of documents and/or dealing with HMRC enquiries to bring their UK tax matters up to date, a requirement of the UK Government.
Want to visit or live in the UK? - Right to Stay - A guide for foreign citizens currently residing in the UK or abroad.
Company Set Up
Assisting with business formation and ongoing aid for the provision of freelance work.
Company types UK - Find out about different set up structures. The pros and cons of each and the suitability for different business owners.